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Prabhupada Letters :: 1967 a.c. bhaktivedanta swami |
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![]() 28 Jun 2004 Wednesday, June 28, 1967 New York, New York My Dear Janardana, Hamsaduta, Himavati, and Pradyumna, Please accept my blessings. While on my sick bed I was so much encouraged by your successful carrying on the Montreal Branch even in spite of the absence of Kirtanananda. There is a verse in the Bhagavad gita tenth chapter that anyone who serves the Lord sincerely with love and affection is certainly instructed by the Lord from within. The Lord helps us in two ways: internally as paramatman, and externally as Spiritual Master. So I think your sincere activities are being appreciated by the Lord from within and He is dictating you all for advancement of Krishna Consciousness. I hope that I may be able to go to San Francisco on July 5th, and from there if I get my permanent visa I shall go to Vancouver where there is every possibility of opening a new branch. There is a friend who is prepared to cooperate, and I understand that there are many Indians also. From Vancouver I may come to Montreal, perform the opening ceremony of installation of Radha-Krishna Vigraha. Then I may go back to India for six months, as there is a program for construction of an American House for training preachers at Vrindaban. Vrindaban is the only solitary transcendental abode within this universe where Krishna Consciousness automatically reveals. Therefore I have a great hope to train some of my disciples for preaching work, even in my absence. I am now old man, and attacked with serious disease; I may be overcome by death at any moment. Therefore I wish to leave some trained preachers so that they can do the work of Krishna Consciousness in the western world. That is my ambition. I hope you all pray to Krishna so I may be able to execute my duty properly. Thanking you all for your nice advancement. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 28.6.04 | 27 Jun 2004 Tuesday, June 27, 1967 New York, New York Madame Sumati Morarji Baisaheva: I thank you very much for your letter dated June 20, 1967. As stated by you, my missionary work is really a great challenge to the western way of life. But Krishna is so attractive that He is accepted even by the Westerners when the consciousness is presented in the right disciplic succession. The challenge is to the maya, or in other words it is a fight with the maya, and I may inform you that the maya has given me a great stroke very recently. Due to my incessant hard work for the last two years, my health has been shattered. On the 25th May I had a heavy stroke between the heart and stomach. The boys here took all cares possible, and I am getting well day by day. At present I am on the seashore in New Jersey for recouping my health, but I am thinking of going back to India as soon as I get sufficient strength. I am now considerably old; I will be 72 years next September. But the work which I have begun in the western world is not yet finished, and I require to train some of the American boys to preach this cult all over the western world. So if I return to India I will have to take with me some of the boys for training. They are all nice boys to take up the training. So your cooperation in this connection is greatly needed. You have already allowed my men from India free passage; similarly, if you allow free passage for some of my American disciples they can come to India and take training from me at Vrindaban. The idea is that in this old age I do not know when death will overcome me, and I wish to die in the last days of my life at Vrindaban. If you kindly, therefore, cooperate with my mission of spreading Krishna Consciousness in the western world, then I wish to return to Vrindaban. I hope you will kindly grant this request. Back To Godhead is becoming gradually very popular in this country, and we are improving the quality of the printing etc. by the next issue, which you will shortly receive. The present circulation is ea. 1,500 and I expect it to increase to 5,000 by the next 2-5 months. People in this country are thinking seriously about this Krishna Consciousness idea and I hope very soon Back to Godhead will be a very popular magazine. If you give me some advertisement it will be a great asset to the publication, and we will be glad to print it free of charge. Hope you are well, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 27.6.04 | Tuesday, June 27, 1967 New York, New York My Dear Sri Krishan Pandit, Kindly accept my greetings. I am very much thankful to you for your letter dated June 15, 1967. Your prayers to Lord Krishna are heard by the Lord, and by His Grace I'm getting improved in health day by day. Your suggestion to return to India is welcome. As soon as I get a little strength I must return to India. I also thank your son-in-law, Yog Raj Sharma, for his suggestion. As you have not received the gramaphone record as yet, I guess it has been taken away by somebody. Therefore, I have advised my students to send another one by registerd post. With that record was a check for Rs 50. (check no. 0055447, dated April 15, 1967) in your favor, so you go to the Bank of Baroda, Chandnichawk, Delhi, and stop the payment by showing this letter, and upon hearing from you I shall arrange for sending you cash from here. Your former letter was properly replied from here. I request you to see Messrs. S.S. Brijbasse Co. at Fatehpuri. We sent them an order for pictures and $100., but they are silent. Kindly enquire what is the fate of the money and the order. My blessings for your wife and children. Hope you are well, and thanking you once again. Yours affectionately, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 27.6.04 | |
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